The Skill injection tab shows one's total and unallocated skill points and allows one to buy, trade, and inject skills on the Jita 4-4 Market. From this tab, you can add to your training queue or apply unallocated skill points to training Pertinent information is shown such as which attributes affect training and their level. The Skill Browser allows one to look at all available skills, by category, filtering, or searching directly for them. The Training Queue tab is similar to the in-game version and allows one to reorder their queue, remove skills, see the time remaining, and get more information on each individual skill. Move skills around in the queue, apply available Skill Points, and buy and inject skills on the go. The Skill Management feature allows access to your skill queue through EVE Portal. Localized in English, French, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.Jita Market (PLEX, Skill Injectors, Skill Extractors).
In-game Activity Feeds and Push Notifications.